The Book of MemeSwag: Chapter 1 "Swagger amongst Memes"

[1:1] In the beginning when I created the memes and the swag,

[1:2] the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a fart from Me swept over the face of the buttox.

[1:3] Then I said, "Let there be swagger"; and there was dope swag.

[1:4] And I saw that the swag was good; and I separated the swag from the old navy jean jackets.

[1:5] I called the memes "sussy", and the bobies he called "disgusting". And there was "baggy sweatpants" and there was reeboks with the straps ( with the straps ), the first day.

[1:6] And I said, "Let there be a bobie in the midst of the waters, and everyone went " EW... that's disgusting..?"

[1:7] So I made the bobies and separated the waters that were under the bobs from the waters that were above the bobs. And it was so sussy and great.

[1:8] I called the bobies AMAZING. And there was baggy sweatpants and there was reeboks with the straps ( with the straps ), the second day.

[1:9] And I said, "Let the fart under the bobies be gathered together into one buttox, and let the dry land appear." And it was so sussy and great.

[1:10] I called the dry land DISGUSTING, and the farty that were gathered together he called Sussy. And I saw that it was good.

[1:11] Then I said, "Let the disgusting put forth bobies of every kind on disgusting land that bear fart with the disgusting in it." And it was so sussy and great.

[1:12] The disgusting land brought forth yucky shit wigga, plants yielding fart of every kind, and fart of every kind bearing fart with the fart in it. And I saw that it was kind of sussy and disgusting great.

[1:13] And there was baggy sweatpants and there was reeboks with the straps ( with the straps ), the third amazing.

[1:14] And I said, "Let there be farts in the bobies of the disgusting to separate the memes from the FALSE SWAG WHICH IS KIND OF DISGUSTING; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for memes and swagger...,

[1:15] and let them be fart in the bobies of the amazing bobs to give light upon the disgusting fartage." And it was so sussy great and kind of not disgusting and yucky bitch.

[1:16] I made the two great memes - the greater meme to rule the swagger and the lesser meme to rule the other swagger - and the disgusting fartyage partyage.

[1:17] I set them in the bobies of the bob to give light upon the sussy disgusting,

[1:18] to rule over the memes and over the swagger, and to separate the memes from the swag. And I saw that it was not great bro.

[1:19] And there was baggy sweatpants and there was reeboks with the straps ( with the straps ), the fourth day.

[1:20] And I said, "Let the farts bring forth swarms of disgusting fartage, and let farts fly above the earth across the bobs of the bobies."

[1:21] So I created the disgusting bobie monsters and every disgusting creature that eats butt, of every kind, with which the bobies swarm, and every winged bobie of every kind. And I saw that it was dis-GUSTING.

[1:22] I blessed them, saying, "Be sussy and multiply and fill the bobies in the bobie towns, and let farts multiply on the disgusting land."

[1:23] And there was baggy sweatpants and there was reeboks with the straps ( with the straps ), the fifth day.

[1:24] And I said, "Let the dis-GUSTING bobie land bring forth living fartage partys of every kind: fart and farting things and wild farts of the dis-GUSTING bobies of every kind." And it was so sussy and great bro.

[1:25] I made the wild farts of the dis-GUSTING land of every kind, and the fart of every kind, and everything that farts upon the farts of every kind. And I saw that it was great bro.

[1:26] Then I said, "Let us make bobiekind in our fartyage, according to our fartness; and let them have dominion over the disgusting of the bobies, and over the farts of the fart, and over the fart, and over all the wild farts of the dis-GUSTING land, and over every farting thing that creeps upon the dis-GUSTING bobie land."

[1:27] So I created bobiekind in his image, in the image of I he created them; gamer and stupid annoying bitch I farted on them.

[1:28] I blessed them, and I said to them, "green green, what's youm pronblemn green. may sai alon rram may sai alon rram."

[1:29] I said, "YOURMN FATHEr iS GARGAMEL?!?!? YOUM FATHER IS FUGKING GARGAMEL MAN." And it was so sussy.

[1:30] And to every jean jacket of the bobie lands, and to every fart of the buttox, and to everything that is kinda dis-GUSTING bro on the fart lands, everything that has the P of U, I have given every green fart for bobs." And it was so sussy and great bro.

[1:31] I saw everything that I had made, and indeed, it was very great... And there was baggy sweatpants and there was reeboks with the straps ( with the straps ), the sixth day.